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Celebrating 25th Anniversary

July 8 (1999 - 2024)

About Us

Aarsha Vidya Samajam (AVS) is a spiritual and educational institution based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, for the systematic and scientific fulfillment of the Pancha Kartavyas of Sanathana Dharma: Adhyayana (Systematic Study), Anushthana (Practice), Prachaarana (Promotion), Adhyapana (Teaching), Samrakshana (Protection) in a way which is relevant to the current times. It emphasizes on Guru Parampara mode of learning.

Parallely, AVS has been working relentlessly to fight religious conversions achieved through coercion and manipulation, leading to radicalisation that threatens the harmony and security of the nation, and the world, and bringing such people back to Sanathana Dharma.

In the past 24+ years of our functioning, we have been able to revert more than 8000 people from various dangerous ideologies and lifestyles, through a combination of ideological - spiritual - psychological counselling.

Uniqueness of Aarsha Vidya Samajam

De-Brainwashing & Anti-indoctrination
Scientific & Systematic Syllabus
Missionary Program

Awards & Recognitions

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Full Timers

Courses Offered

Adhyatmika Sastram

A unique course that teaches Sanathana Dharma, Comparative Study of all religions and ideologies, and Tarka Sastra (science of debate), in a comprehensive manner.
All religions, ideologies, and philosophies are studied and debated on the basis of their respective recognised sources and not based on the arguments of its blind followers or ruthless critics.
Sanathana Dharma is taught right from terminology in simple language on various levels.

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Bharatheeya Samskrithi

This course teaches the real, undistorted, undiluted history of Kerala and India, and its influence on the world. It overcomes the drawback of the current school education systems whose history textbooks glorify foreign invaders and their ruthless attacks on Indians while underrepresenting the greatness of India and the people who fought against them bravely.
Imparts teachings on Indian Culture and Heritage, civilization, India’s spiritual – philosophical – educational – scientific – technological – mathematical – language – art – culture legacy and traditions.

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Aarsha Yoga Vidya

A Yoga Vidya course that is comprehensive, complete, and scientific, without any compromise based on the Shodasha Tatva Natha Sampradaya, which Adinatha himself taught his disciples.
This Yoga course is unique in that it focuses on overall physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, Pranic, and social development and well-being leading to wondrous development of the individual practicing it.

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Vidyarthi Naipunya Varg

A course for students, teachers, parents, and inquisitive learners of all age groups. This course helps to achieve the goals intended by education that cannot be achieved through the existing formal education system and exams.
This also includes brain-power improving techniques, techniques to enhance interest in the subject being studied, study secrets, memory boosting strategies, and tips to excel in exams, that will be a relief to students struggling with the ‘syllabus burden’.

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Sudarshanam Course

Sudarshanam course is an ideological fight against the six types of evil influences that affect people right from their childhoods in various ways.
It is a weapon against strategic and organized brainwashing.
The ideological brainwashing that creates and breeds terrorists, extremists, communalists and radicalists, and sows miseries in the world.
"Sudarshanam is an antidote against all the evil influences."

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Learn Basics of Sanathana Dharma

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Aadhyatmika Sastram Parichaya Course: The one-year Sanathana Dharma Parichaya Online Course is going to be launched soon. It is going to be a 52-lessons textual course in question and answer format. The aim is to familiarize the world with the basics of Sanathana Dharma, the priceless knowledge bestowed by Sree Parameshwara (the supreme God) himself to mankind through the Aarsha Guru Paramparas for the welfare of the entire world.

Charity & Services

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Your financial donation is the easiest way to work on behalf of Aarsha Vidya Samajam. Please support us in our mission to spread Sanathana Dharma to the whole world.

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Hindu Missionary

Dharma Pracharak Paddhati

Dharma Pracharaka Paddhati aims to generate Hindu missionaries as envisioned by Swami Vivekananda, who would visit every house and organize educational activities and service activities. For this, trained salary-based full time workers need to be deployed everywhere. If we can find people who can sponsor at least 100 people for a year, we will be able to generate thousands of full-time workers within few years. Aarsha Vidya Samajam has devised a unique organizational strategy for this.

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Lack of Swadhyaya (religious education), disunity, conversions and brainwashing

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Dharma pracharaks are the way to bring Sanathana Dharma to the whole world.

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Who are Dharma Pracharaks?

They will serve as teachers, trainers, Gaveshaks (researchers), writers, Prabhashaks (speakers, debaters,) activists, or any other skilled capability based on their strengths and interests.

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Vijnanabharathi International Study & Research Foundation

VISRF is a joint venture between Aarsha Vidya Samajam and Vijnanabharathi Educational & Charitable Society, is intended to be a global university which is going to be established for the study and research on all ancient and modern knowledges.

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Comprehensive Reports

Case Studies


Words From Our Supporters