1) The Reformists fought against the conservatives – E.M.S.
‘Ram Mohan Roy and Vivekananda, along with those who followed them in Bengal, took the initiative to form movements that shocked the conservatives in both social life and cultural attitudes. The same was done by Chattambi Swamigal, Narayana Guru, and other spiritual leaders in Kerala.’
See Image 1 accompanying the article. (E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) – Volume 42, Page 107)
2) EMS stated that Gurudeva fought against ideological corruption based on the universal philosophy of Hindu Dharma!
E.M.S. clarified this in the column ‘E.M.S.’s Diary’ in the Desabhimani weekly, in the article ‘Atmavidhya of Vagbhatanandan’ (dated 27-04-1997).
E.M.S. clearly observes, ‘It was the banner of rebellion against the distortions that had come to religions that Sri Narayana Guru, Chattambi Swamigal, Brahmananda Shivayogi, and Vagbhatanandan raised.’ However, the communist in E.M.S. cannot reconcile with the fact that they worked based on the principles of Sanatana Dharma.
He continues, ‘They all opposed the distortions that had come to Dharma based on the universal philosophy of Dharma. This weakness is present not only in the philosophy of Sri Narayana Guru, Chattambi Swamigal, and Brahmananda Shivayogi, but also in the vision of Vagbhatanandan.’
See Image 2 (“Vagbhatanandan’s Atmavidhya – Desabhimani Weekly, E.M.S.’s Diary – 27/4/1997), Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) 94 – Page 61.
Now, tell me, according to E.M.S., did Sri Narayana Guru fight against Hindu Dharma itself, or against the practices and ideologies that were distorting it? The matter is clear here. It was not against Hindu Dharma, but against the distortions that had crept into it. This struggle was based on the ‘general philosophy of Hindu Dharma.’ What could this struggle be for? Naturally, the efforts to remove the ideas contrary to the very principles of Sanatana Dharma and purify them would be aimed at the protection of Hindu Dharma.
3) E.M.S. also stated that the reformists fought against the cultural elitism that sought to monopolize knowledge.
In his article “Chattampi Swamikal”, EMS refers to the Brahminical hegemony that denied the “wealth of knowledge” to the downtrodden.
E.M.S. states, ‘The knowledge wealth of that time was mostly in Sanskrit, making it inaccessible. It was Thunchath Ramanujan who first worked against this monopoly on knowledge. He made the Puranas and Ithihasas available to the oppressed classes in simple Malayalam. However, even Ezhuthachchan could not make the Vedas and Upanishads accessible to these ‘lower’ classes. It was Chattambi Swamigal who began to break this monopoly. Swamigal established that the oppressed castes have the right to study not only the Puranas and Itihasas but also the Vedas. Those who completed the work started by Swamigal were Vallathol and O.M.C Namboothipad.’
‘With the publication of the works of Vallathol and O.M.S., the dream of Chattambi Swamigal became a reality.’
What is this knowledge wealth he is referring to? The Hindu religious texts – the Vedas, Upanishads, and Ithihasas – are what E.M.S. is referring to, aren’t they? Did the reformers like Gurudeva fight against this knowledge, or against its monopolization?
See Images 3 & 4 – Desabhimani Weekly (29/10/1995), E.M.S.’s Diary – Chattambi Swamigal – E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) 94, Page 44.
4) See E.M.S.’s description of how Sri Narayana Guru broke the ‘cultural monopoly of the upper castes’ (note, this was not of Sanatana Dharma!).
E.M.S. continues, ‘Sri Narayana, a contemporary of Chattambi Swamigal, also broke another cultural monopoly of the upper castes. He showed that temples and places of worship, which were the strongholds of the upper castes, could be accessible to the lower castes too. The temples he established, the Sri Narayana Dharma he founded, and the sanyasis who promoted it, all contributed to a cultural revolution in Kerala. Just as Sri Narayana Guru and Chattambi Swamigal did in Travancore, in Malabar, Brahmananda Shivayogi and Vagbhatanandan, laid the foundation for the Renaissance movement that began with spirituality and culminated in modern nationalism.’
See Images 3 & 4 (29/10/1995 – Desabhimani Weekly, E.M.S.’s Diary – Chattambi Swamigal) – E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) 94, Page 45.
Did the reformers, including Sri Narayana Guru, oppose the principles of Sanatana Dharma, the Vedas and Upanishads, temples, Mathas, and sanyasa, or did they oppose the caste supremacy that had turned these into instruments of oppression? E.M.S. has no doubt that Gurudeva and his followers rejected not the Hindu Dharma itself, but the ideas and actions of the upper castes or caste conservatives.
5) E.M.S. states that Gurudeva worked from the foundation of Vedanta philosophy!
“In modern times, both Vivekananda at the national level and Sri Narayana Guru in Kerala used their Vedanta philosophy to address social issues and promote cultural renaissance.” In the article ‘Sri Narayana Sandesham: Moonu Mukhangal’ in the Desabhimani Weekly dated 15/1/1995, E.M.S. presents his views.
(See Image 5. E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) 1996-1998, Volume 94, Page 34.)
6) E.M.S. states that Guru is following the philosophy of Shankaracharya.
E.M.S. views it as a contradiction that many of today’s Sanyasis, who follow the footsteps of Swami Vivekananda and Narayana Guru—both of whom have interpreted Shankaracharya’s philosophy—accept Shankaracharya’s teachings as a philosophy of equality among humans.
(‘Pizhachath Parameshwaranaanu’ – an article written on 7/7/1989)
See Image 6. (E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) – Volume 42: Page 320).
7) E.M.S. states that Sri Narayana Guru was a true follower of Hindu Dharma!
Some politicians complain that they are trying to ‘Hinduize’ Sri Narayana Guru. However, E.M.S. was certain about this as well.
‘Sri Narayana Guru was a true follower of Hinduism. The central aspect of the revolutionary work he carried out was the Shiva Linga Pratishthas and the temples he established in various parts of Kerala. The Sanyasi Sangha (monastic order) he founded continues to function even today.’
See image 7 A, B – Deshabhimani Weekly – Section – E.M.S. Diary – 5/1/1997 article ‘Sri Narayana Guru and Brahmananda Shivayogi’ Compilation – E.M.S. Sampoorna Kritikal (Malayalam) (Volume – 94, Pages 53, 54).
8) E.M.S. in his work Indian Swatantrya Samara Charithram (Indian Freedom Struggle History) refers to the activities of Sri Narayana Guru in the section titled “Haindava Punarutthanam desheeyatheyude vikruthroopam” (Hindu Revivalism – A Distorted Form of Nationalism).” Although E.M.S. critiques it as “a distorted form of nationalism,” he still places Sri Narayana Guru among the group of “Hindu revivalists.”
The description includes images of prominent figures such as Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, and Sri Narayana Guru.
E.M.S. points out that Sri Narayana Guru and other similar figures were involved in three major activities: social reform, cultural renaissance, and Hindu revivalism.
Page 134 – “Although apparently distinct from all of this, another movement that played a significant role in the growth of bourgeois nationalism also emerged during this period. That is the revival of the old Hindu culture and religious beliefs.
The social reform and cultural renaissance movement that emerged under the leadership of Raja Ram Mohan Roy also shows elements of this. Ram Mohan, who took the initiative in modernizing Hindu society, its rituals, and cultural perspectives, had previously been noted for his strong opposition to Christian missionary work and the methods of proselytizers. In his envisioned reform process, Ram Mohan made a conscious effort to incorporate various elements of ancient Hindu culture.
While placing greater emphasis on modernization, social reform and cultural renaissance movements like the Brahmo Samaj in Bengal and the Prarthana Samaj in Maharashtra also sought to revive ancient Hindu culture.”
He continues, ‘Movements like these aimed to uplift communities oppressed under the caste system by imparting the wealth of ancient Hindu culture to them, both socially and culturally. In their efforts, social reform, cultural renaissance, and Hindu revival were intertwined.
(The most prominent example of this in Kerala is the movement led by Sree Narayana, who established separate temples and monastic centers for the backward Hindu castes, thus elevating them.)
Images – 8 A (Book Cover), 8 B (134), 8 C (135) History of the Indian Freedom Struggle – E.M.S (Pg No – 134, 135, Chapter 19 – Hindu Revivalism: A Distorted Form of Nationalism)