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June 21: International Yoga Day

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Yoga Vidya is the great science consisting of Shodasha Tatvas (16 principles) bestowed by Sree Parameshwara to mankind through the Aarsha Guru Paramparas! Through practicing real Yoga, one can achieve complete health (Shanti, Samadhana, Swasthi), integral personality development, complete success in life, root-cause solutions to all problems in life, and thereby, build a noble society!


The most unique boon of Yoga is accelerated spiritual growth. The practice of Yoga enables the practitioner to realize the divine consciousness that shines within all of us with infinite radiance or realize his true essence. While the powers and Siddhis of Yoga are abundant and invaluable, we still doubt if real Yoga has gained enough popularity in society! In many places, Yoga is practiced in a distorted manner, undervalued, and reluctant to reveal its origin and basis. Some of them have reduced them to mere convoluted circus acts! And many of them have presented their own version of Yoga, deviating from the divine Yoga Sastra promoted and transmitted through the Aarsha Guru Paramparas. As a consequence, the real Yoga Vidya which has endless potential and root-cause solutions to all problems has gone unrecognized. Some Yoga traditions are hesitant to say that Yoga Vidya is the practice of Sanathana Dharma, which was bestowed in the earliest period of mankind by Sree Parameswara by manifesting in a human form as Adinatha or Adiyogi. We must not forget that although Yoga is universal and beyond religion, it is nothing but the Sanathana Dharma Sastra given by Ishwara!

The benefits of Yoga and the advantages of practicing it properly are endless and indescribable! Sri Krishna says in the Gita, ‘Svalpamapyasya Dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat’. The bottom line is that even a little practice of this Dharma can save us from great fears and sorrows.
Yoga Vidya is the practical form of Sanathana Dharma. ‘Mrityor ma amritamgamaya’ : Yoga leads us from death to immortality.
Yoga enables us to transform humans into superhumans, transform Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga, to create heaven on earth, by filling it with peace, harmony, and happiness everywhere.
India is the birth land of Yoga and Sanathana Dharma. The only people who pray for universal peace and goodness through the prayer : Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu! A community that is committed to strengthening universal human unity!
On this International Day of Yoga, let us practice India’s spiritual source of Yoga in our daily lives by embracing the call of the sages to “Krinwanto Vishwamaryam” (make this entire universe great) through proper practice – promotion – protection of Yoga.
Let us spread the true yoga promoted by the Rishis everywhere, for a better tomorrow, for the future generations, for the peace in the world…..!

Wishing Swasthi (well-being, prosperity, health), Shanti (peace), Poornam (perfection), and Mangalam (auspiciousness) to everyone.

“Sarvesham Swasthir Bhavathu
Sarvesham Shanthir Bhavathu
Sarvesham Poornam Bhavathu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu”