1.What does the term Sanathana Dharma mean?
General Definition: Sanathana Dharma is the set of those life Tattvas (principles), glorious Abhyasas (practices), and divine Niyamas (laws) that Sree Parameswara bestowed on mankind through the Aarsha Guru Paramparas for Vishwa Mangalam; the welfare of the world (ultimate good, Shivam).
Life Principles + Practices + Laws – Sanathana Dharma Sastra
It is important to understand the meaning of the words that appear in the general definition.
- Sree Parameswara
- Vishwa Mangalam (ultimate good, Shivam)
- Aarsha Guru Paramparas
- Mankind
- Life principles
- Glorious practices
- Divine laws
- Sanathana Dharma.
2. What is meant by life principles?
The term refers to the basic principles; Sookshma Rahasyas (cosmic secrets) for achieving health, growth, success, world welfare, and problem-solving. For example: Karma Siddhantam (Theory of Karma), Guruthvam, Sadhaka Dharma, Purushartha concept of life, concept of Pancha Maha Yajnas.
3. What is meant by the term Sookshma Rahasyas (cosmic secrets)?
Many theories in the physical universe (external laws governing physical phenomena). For example, gravitational force.Man invented several tools and developed technologies by understanding various secrets of the physical universe such as the law of energy. This is how physical sciences progressed.Similarly, there are some inner secrets of life to achieve health, development, success, world welfare, and problem solving. All these compose Life Principles.
4. What is Vishwa Mangalam and ultimate virtue?
There are 5 main aspects in ultimate virtue i.e., Saukhyam, Shubham, Shivam, ultimate virtue, Mangalam, and Kalyanam.
1 – Swasthyam – Swasthi – complete life span – complete health – security – immunity – peace – harmony – pleasure – happiness.
2 – Samagra Vyakti Vikasam, Manava Parinamam; integral personality development, and human evolution
3 – Sampoorna Jeeva Vijayam; Complete life success
4 – Sreshta Samaja Nirmanam; better society building
5 – Samoola Prashna Pariharam; radical problem solving
Sanathana Dharma was given to mankind during the very beginning of his existence by Sree Parameshwara to be able to achieve these 5 goals.
5. What is Swasthyam (Swasthi)?
Sanathana Dharma is a health science to achieve health. The word Swasthyam implies to be able to experience a full life span, complete wellness, peace, harmony, pleasure, and happiness in body, mind, and intellect. Health is a fundamental factor for all success.
6. What is Vyakti Vikasam (holistic personality development)?
Sanathana Dharma is an integral personality development package and also a science for human evolution. Integral means taking all aspects into consideration. Personality is the sum total of a person. So, integral personality development means development of a person on all levels. Real personality development is physical, Pranic, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and social progress.
7. What is Shareeram?
It is our internal and external body. External organs – the five sense organs (Panchendriyas or Jnanendriyas) – the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue, the skin, and Karmendriyas (hands and legs) etc. It is also called Annamaya Kosham.
8. What is Prana?
Prana is the divine power that gives and sustains life. In living beings, it is exists as Jeeva Shakti (life force) and in inanimate objects as Jada Shakti (material force).
9. What is Manas?
Manas or mind is a combination of thoughts, desires, emotions, will, and Karma Mudras (impressions of Karma). The mind has infinite powers and abilities. The mind has different levels such as conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, superconscious mind.
10. What is Buddhi (intellect)?
Buddhi is the basis of Grahanam (comprehension), Smriti (memory), communication, aesthetic sense, Apagrathanam (Analysis), Nirnayam (decision making), Avishkaram (expression), Gaveshanam (research), and Maneesha (Rishi consciousness).
11. What is Aatma?
Aatma is the omnipresent Ishwara Chaitanya (divine spirit). Brahmam is the collective aspect of Parameshwara whereas Aatma is the manifestation of Parameshwara. Every person has these 5 levels – Shareeram, Prana, Manas, Buddhi, and Aatma.
12. What are social factors?
Man is a social being as well. Society has many aspects such as family, community, nation, and world. Learning to live and behave in a way that is socially appropriate is a part of personality development.
13. What is real personality development or Samagra Vikasam (integral development)?
Real personality development is the development of physical, Pranic, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and social qualities, strengths, knowledge, and abilities.
14. What is Manava Parinamam (human evolution)?
It is not just integral personality development of an individual. Through Sanathana Dharma it is possible to evolve from human to super-human. The evolution into super-human, Aryan, Rishi, Madhavan (from Nara to Narayana – from Manava to Madhava) is possible through the right practice of Sanathana Dharma.
15. What is Sampoorna Jeevana Vijayam (complete life success)?
Sampoorna Jeevana Vijayam is complete success in life; both wordly and spiritual. Sanathana Dharma contains the means to attain complete life success or Purushartha Prapthi.
- Laukika Jeevana Vijayam (success in wordly life)
Material success, Artha and Kama, Preyas, prosperity
- Adhyatmika Jeevana Vijayam (success in spiritual life)
Nissreyas, Shreyas, Dharma and Moksha are synonymous with this