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Sanathana Dharma: an ideology to be eradicated or a philosophy to be embraced? – Article 3

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A series of articles by Acharya Sri KR Manoj ji, Founder & Director of Aarsha Vidya Samajam.
Article 3: Conservatism that is anti-Sanathana Dharma!
The arguments of all those who demand for ‘eradication of Sanathana Dharma’ on the grounds of caste sound the same.
1. Argue that Sanathana Dharma is only Varna system.
2. Portray Varna system as caste (Jati) system.
3. Blame all the injustices and atrocities committed in the society in the name of caste on Sanathana Dharma.
4. Therefore demand for the abolition or eradication of Sanathana Dharma.
That is, demand for the destruction of Sanathana Dharma citing “caste” as a problem. This has been the constant strategy of people since time immemorial.
But do you know who are the people arguing like this?
Those who persist that the caste system must exist never go! Those who want to reap benefits by making Hindus fight among themselves forever in the name of caste! Those who wish for caste-based benefits and reservations “till the end of the world”! Those who point their fingers against Hindu Dharma while carrying a “religious book” under their arms, containing doctrines calling for human discrimination, hatred, slavery, and cruelty.
Those who blame others despite their history of enslaving crores of people worldwide through attacks, colonization, and exploitation!
These facts themselves make their stand weak and ridiculous!
Before getting into discussions about Sanathana Dharma, Varna, Jati, let me clarify a few things.
There have been two traditions in the long timeless history of Bharat.
The Sanathana Dharma tradition promoted by the Aarsha Guru Paramparas.
Glorious Tatvas (principles), philosophies, great educational heritage, scientific progress, and technological achievements are all part of this Aarsha tradition. It is this culture that enables Bharat to stand tall before the whole world.
There have been among us throughout history, those who tried to destroy and subvert all the greatness of the noble Aarsha tradition we mentioned before. Their dominant influence in palaces, society, temples, and scriptures have caused us all the miseries. To close our eyes to this reality is to deny the truth. We have to also understand that “some” of the criticisms raised by the “Sanathana Dharma abolitionists” are valid. We must also recognize the dark forces that have been opposing Sanathana Dharma then and now.
The foremost thing I will request from you is that you must have the Tyajya-Grahya Buddhi (take in what is good or true and reject what is false or evil) to uphold the tradition of enlightened wisdom mentioned in the first part and reject the burden of ignorance mentioned in the second.
In this discussion, the reference to “conservatist” implies those who are trying to extinguish the light of Sanathana Dharma and subvert its noble principles.
There are two elements in their thinking:
1. Blindly accepting unauthentic theories, beliefs, scriptures, cults as unquestionable creeds.
2. Follow habits, practices, and customs which are against an individual and society as unchangeable practices.
We are referring to these two attitudes when we use the term “Conservatists”.
Conservatism means the practice of following blind beliefs and practices that are against individuals and society. It had become rampant in Bharat too. Human discrimination, bigotry, hatred, Jati Vyavastha (caste system – caste discrimination, superior and inferior classification, untouchability), boycott, superstition, Anachaaras (unnecessary practices that don’t cause much harm), Durachaaras (harmful practices), Atyachaaras (going beyond the limits and boundaries of any practice or principle), ideological contamination, ignorance, etc. are just some products of conservatism!
Instead of learning Sanathana Dharma through Aarsha Guru Paramparas, there are those who imbibe distorted ideas from fraudulent astrologers, fake Purohits, absurd scriptures, and ignorant society. There are those who uphold the scriptures just like the Semitic powers, instead of Pramanavaada (means of seeking truth or knowledge) promoted by Sanathana Dharma! Ideological contaminators who dilute brilliant philosophies! Those who reject science, logic, and the tradition of debate! People who follow superstitions, Anachaaras, Durachaaras, Atyachaaras! Those who are unwilling to correct themselves and their behaviour even when they know how much harm they are doing to the society! Such conservatist forces have existed not only in the past but continue to exist today!
I have deliberately avoided describing caste conservatists as Brahminism, Paurohityam, caste-Brahmins, or Purohits. Because those who want to retain the caste system and conservatist ideologies forever can be found in all castes and religious groups. It is just like saying they are atleast a few who follow some principles of Sanathana Dharma knowingly or unknowingly.
It was Agamananda Swami who proved to Mahatma Gandhi who had visited during Vaikom Satyagraha that the caste system and its injustices are against the principles of Sanathana Dharma, on the basis of authentic references. He was the representative of Hindu Dharma during the time. And Indamthuruthi Namboodiri of conservatist – casteism! And both of them were born – caste “Brahmins”!
(to be continued…)